Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Dear Addison and Avery,
Man you two are keeping Mommy and Daddy running these days!  Last weekend Aunt Connie Peterson came to visit while Daddy went to Auburn with Uncle Billy, Jester, and Rusty for a ' Guys weekend'.  She was a great help to Mommy and you girls were so good for us!  We took you to see the fountain in Forsyth because they had dyed it green for this weekends St. Patrick's Day events.  It was a nice cool day.  Then Sunday we got up and went to breakfast on Tybee and walk on the beach.  Addison, you loved the beach and sand. Avery, you didn't too much care for the loose sand.  You were funny, but you both had a great time! You two are climbing up on everything (even the end tables aren't safe anymore), trying to get behind everything (especially Mommy's chair, and the gate around the TV), and still thinking it's funny when Mommy and Daddy say 'No!' or 'Stop that'.  This past Thursday, Addison, you slipped on our bed and bit your tongue really hard.  It bled for a bit, but you calmed down and it stopped.  I thought I was going to have to take you to the doctor to get checked out.  Thankfully your Pedi nurse reassured me that you'll be fine, and yes, you are doing great.  This weekend was a low key, stay at home and watch the St. Patrick's Day parade and stay away from the traffic and crowds type weekend.  We cleaned and played in the beautiful weather, went to church, and grocery shopping.  You two are both teething bad this weekend.  You are drooling a lot, and very cranky!! :-)  Hoping you'll be better for Grandma tomorrow.  Sending you lots of love and wishes for your teeth to come on through!! Love you!!
Mommy (and Daddy too)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Oh man... It's hard to imagine how boring life was before these two cuties came into my life, but wow they sure are keeping us on our toes and running here lately!!  Yes, Addison is our new acrobat.  She has officially climbed/fell out of her crib this morning as we were getting ready for work.  Thankfully she is ok, no scrapes, bumps, or bruises just a scared girl that cried out.  We still do not know how she did it without making a sound.  (the monitor was on in our room to hear her)  They're new favorite activities added to list is to climb on the sofa and 'go off' the side on their belly's backwards, climb onto the end table, and make a bridge from the coffee table and the couch.  They absolutely love going outside and checking the mail has to be spelled out now because they get so excited thinking they can go out with us any/every time the mail is checked.  They are solely on table food now but incredibly picky.  We are trying to branch them out and add to their list of what they'll eat.  So far they'll eat chicken nuggets, fish sticks (not too much), Avery will eat bologna, green beans, corn, cheese, yogurt, pees, spaghetti o's, and most any fruit!  It's a work in progress and we work on daily getting them to eat and to eat nicely.  (not tossing what they don't want on the cat or the floor, or creating a windshield wiper affect with their hands, the table, and the food!)  We are so excited to see Aunt Connie this weekend as Daddy goes to Auburn to have a fun weekend with his brother, Rusty, and Jester.  Hoping everyone is great.  I am thinking about re-doing this site and making it more like 'letters to Addison and Avery' when I post. Any thoughts?  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Best wishes and hope my girls stay near the ground!!
Peace Out!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Oh I'm so behind... a major update is needed...

Please accept my apologies for not posting since announcing we were pregnant with the twins.  Things have been a whirlwind of fun since our last post.  We closed and completely updated our house in Dave's childhood neighborhood that his parents still live in! (Yes, his Mom so graciously keeps the girls daily while we are at work and of course comes any other time we need assistance.)
We delivered the girls two months early due to Addison having irregular chord flow, but thankfully the girls were strong enough to not need any NICU stay.  They stayed at the hospital I delivered at in their Special Care (Level II) nursery.  They both stayed in right at 4 weeks.  I delivered on 9-20-11 and Addison went home first on 10-18-11 (day before my birthday) and Avery went home two days later 10-20-11.  What a birthday to remember!!!  Also so thankful my Mom was in town when I delivered too so she was there through everything with me.  Her and my dad had come up the weekend before to help out with things around the house, getting ready for the girls, and getting things together that I still needed but was unable to get due to bed rest that I was put on after a hospital stay/night of monitoring on Labor Day weekend.  The girls have done great despite being so tiny and early.  Addison was 3.2lbs and Avery was 3.6lbs.  We were told they would be fraternal but following a DNA test due to the difficulties of being able to tell them apart, they are indeed IDENTICAL!  I know I know... did we really have to pay to have a test done, but yes, LOL, we did!  They have hit every mile stone on time along with any other full term baby their age.  They are such troopers, strong willed fighters.  These girls are bound and determined to do things their way and they do! :-)  They're so much fun.  I am hoping to start posting weekly to better keep up with their milestones, and have something for them to look back at as well.  (Cheesy I know!) They are now walking/running and climbing up/into everything!  They love anything and everything but their toys, haha.  They really aren't talking yet, but will say yea, (sometimes yes), along with a form of 'dat' for that/there, Dada (in mumble and to Dave), and very rarely Mama (in mumble only).  We're working on words because the temper tantrums are here in full force!  They are still teething too. Addison as of just a few days ago 8 teeth (4 top, 4 bottom) and Avery 7 (4top, 3 bottom).  Other than that they are such fun loving, hug and kiss giving, fun girls.  They LOVE going O-U-T or going to check the M-A-I-L.  Yes we have to spell things out already, haha.  Well I will post again before they are 2 I promise.  Have a great week! Love, The Padgett 4

Thursday, May 5, 2011

We are EXPECTING.... TWINS!!! 11-12-2011

Yes, you did read that correctly. It's still sinking in here too, LOL. We are super excited and happy to be pregnant and having twins on top of it all is really fun. (hard and challenging too I know!)As of today I am 12 weeks and 5 days along. I go back to the doctor on June 6 (in four weeks).

Since our last post and pregnancy announcement we are in the process of buying a house. This house is in Savannah in the same neighborhood that Dave grew up in and his parents still live in. We lucked up on a great deal on an older 1960 brick home, corner lot, 3 bedroom plus bonus room house. It was in great condition and after some updated paint and carpet will be even better! The red shag has to go! LOL!! So thats the news from the East Coast crew... going to go and find some dinner for us and take it easy for a bit.

Peace Out, for now,
~Jess & Dave

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Hey Everyone,
I (Yup, Jess), hope this year is starting out great for everyone! We're doing great! We have two jobs so we know we are blessed and are happy about that. Christmas was wonderful! We celebrated a little early with the Padgett's so that we could travel to Mobile to be with my parents this year on Christmas. We had a great (but sadly short) visit with them. We were able to spend a day with my girls Casey, Mandy, Sarah, and Madison! and Randy too :o). It's so good being able to reconnect like we've never been separated by hundreds of miles and hours of travel. We were not able to see any extended family but such is life during the busy holidays.

I was also able to go and spend a weekend again in the mountains with my girls from Atlanta and meet my good friends Sandy and Al's precious boy John. I was able to see everyone but Laura and Karisa's baby Blake. Hopefully next time I'll be able to stay in Atlanta longer.

Work is great. Praying for a full time position for next year! I am not too sure when I'll find out, but jobs have not been posted yet. I have to 'apply' to them when they're posted in our e-mails. Please keep my job in your prayers. My position right now will not be opening up again at the beginning of the school year. It will be an add on later if they need it. (like they did this year when I got the job) Dave is staying busy with his job. They had some rezoning so he was able to 'lose' a store and now only has to rotate between 6 stores every week. It makes it a bit easier on him to get to every store and get everything accomplished that is needed. He has been down with his back in the evenings, but has started physical therapy, and seems to be improving. Thankfully the doctors are not saying anything about surgery!!

So my new years resolution is up and going! I want to blog about it to help keep me focused and held accountable! I am not 'dieting', but instead making better life and healthier choices. My goals are to lose a pound a week (not too big to be discouraged, but not too small, I gotta work for every pound I lose) with losing 5 pounds a month. My goal is to get back to where I was on our wedding day! The happiest day of my life so far!! So far I am at 12 pounds lost (yes I lost 11 pounds in January alone.) I am so happy and proud every time I say that, but tend to be lazy/less motivated during the week at times. I am staying focused and on track with food so that is a plus. I have a great support group from my friends who I used to work out with in Atlanta. My goal is to run the Savannah bridge run in December with my brother-in-law!! We want to do a 5k this spring and next fall as well. Those are my goals! We'll see... only time will tell....

Well I have to get going and finish cleaning. Hope you all have a fantabulous weekend!
We love you all!
Peace out! (for now...)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trying to do better

I am trying to do a better job on updating the blog. I'm thinking more shorter posts instead of the occasional biography. :o)

So things are going great in the Padgett world. I (Jess) have started teaching Pre-K 4 year olds at BES on Fort Stewart. I am loving it. I have 14 so far, and they are all so sweet. No behavior problems. I guess I should say yet, we're all still getting to know each other, LOL. But seriously, they're a great group. It is so much different from teaching first grade. It's amazing how much they learn and grow from the beginning of pre-K to the beginning of first. Wow!

Dave is still enjoying his job. He's been on the go abit lately, he spent the week in Orlando for their National Territory Manager meeting. They had a lot of fun there, and were able to enjoy Universal Studios as well.

Other than that we're gearing up for Christmas. Have not been able to decorate yet this year, still working on getting school stuff settled, then the apt will get a good cleaning, and then the holiday decorations will go up! I am so excited for the holidays. I am going to go on a trip with some girlfriends from Atlanta to the mountains. (our 2nd of hopefully many annual trips) Then we'll celebrate Christmas with the Padgett's before going down to Mobile to spend Christmas Eve and Day with my parents. We alternate holidays (one gets Christmas and the other gets Thanksgiving). We are really enjoying that 'schedule'. Beats being on the road so much and gosh knows I don't need to over eat any more than I already do!!! Ahhh... :o)

Ok so so much for more shorter posts... :o) You all know how much I love to ramble... so this is NOT surprising I'm sure.

Peace out for now...